Making a Country Living


One of my favorite things about my job, is seeking out those hidden gems. People, places, or products that are unique, well made, and somewhat original. In this months Country Living Magazine, one of my picks, Janna Lufkin of Raw Materials Design, was featured in our Making a Country Living column.


What began for Janna, as a small business out of her home, has blossomed into a full line of table linens and kitchen ware, all made in the US. Their products are beautiful in their simplicity. The pared-down designs and domestically sourced cotton and twill, make them durable and timeless. This year, they will be launching a new Organic line that will be carried by Whole Foods. I just love to see an American success story!


I hope you get a chance to pick up Country Living's spring issue. It's such a good one...filled with great stories, spring decor and amazing homes!


The Ultimate Nut Lovers Granola


Grove House: Making an Entrance