A Brand New Year

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Hello Friends! How has your new year started off? We've been blessed with lots and lots of sunshine this winter and our citrus is loving it. I really feel for those of you stuck in the middle of snowstorms, blackouts and blustery winter days. You guys are troopers!

Our house is coming along and I'm working on a major update post to share with you. It's finally in the stages where there is actually something interesting to share. ;)

Have any of you made any resolutions for 2014? It seems they always fall by the wayside come March or April, so I usually don't make any. But I do have a few goals I'd like to accomplish for the year ahead such as, finish Grove House and start on the gardens, and on a personal level, continue my morning walks, have a more generous spirit, and be mindful and present in my daily life. Care to share any of yours? I'd love to hear!


Grove House Progress


Holiday Crafts