Business Books For Creatives

After I wrote about the best changes I made last year, I received quite a few emails, comments, and Instagram messages with requests to share my favorite business books. It was encouraging to hear from other creatives that were wanting to change how they approach their business, and even more so, to hear from those wanting to start a new one all together.

A book will meet you where you are. Meaning, how you perceive the content, will be directly related to what’s going on in your life or business. A book that really resonates with you, may not feel the same for another person. With that in mind, think about what stage you are at in your business or personal life and start with one that speaks to that area. From there, you can expand on to new topics and ideas as you build your library. To help get you started, here are some of the books that have made the most impact on my business and personal life.

Business Fundamentals

PROFIT FIRST - If you are just starting out, or find business accounting to be mind boggling - get this book. It will help you understand how to structure your accounts properly and set your business finances up for long term profitability.

E-MYTH REVISITED - How to build a business that works - as opposed to a hobby or job. Knowing how to technically do a job and creating a successful thriving company are two different animals. You’ll learn the critical difference between working on your business and working in your business. A must read for any new entrepreneur.

THE ONE THING - How to get laser focused on the one, most important thing, that will move your business forward.

ESSENTIALISM - About getting more done in less time, by discerning what is absolutely essential and eliminating everything that is not, so you can concentrate on the things that really matter.

MANAGE YOUR DAY TO DAY - Shares great building blocks for structuring your day. The tips and strategies can be especially useful for solo entrepreneurs and freelancers, or anyone that works from home.

THE INTROVERT ENTREPRENEUR - Introverts face different challenges in business, things that come more easily to extroverts, namely networking and self promotion. This book serves as a guide for exploring and overcoming those obstacles.

GRIT: THE POWER OF PASSION & PERSEVERANCE - When you feel like giving up, press on and read this!

START WITH WHY - Understanding that what you do, and how you do it, isn’t nearly as impactful for your clients and customers, as why you do it. If you’re not sure what yours is, the follow-up, FIND YOUR WHY can help you discover it.


Creativity & Growth

ATOMIC HABITS - By far, this was my favorite book of last year. I cannot recommend it enough if you want to improve good habits and eliminate those less desirable ones. I wrote down so many take away notes from this book!

CREATIVE CALLING - Creative lives are designed. They are planned intentionally. This book will help you see that everyone is creative and that establishing a creative practice isn’t just for the gifted, it’s a way of operating in life.

THE CREATIVE HABIT - A philosophical approach on forming and nurturing your daily rituals and creative habits.

15 INVALUABLE LAWS OF GROWTH - Tried and true principle on how to grow and reach your potential. One of my key takeaways from this book - asking myself, what is the most valuable use of my time right now?

7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE - The original, and probably still the best book on personal growth.

EVERYTHING IS FIGUREOUTABLE - A guide to tackling big goals and challenges in life and business.

THE COMPOUND EFFECT - I’ve read this book several times. I find myself picking up new things each time. It’s a great reminder on how small tasks, done consistently, produce dramatic results over time.



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