Lifestyle Heather Bullard Lifestyle Heather Bullard

Book Club | Summer Reading

This summer, instead of novels about faraway places or unrequited love, my reading has been filled with gardens, interiors, and seasonal cookbooks. The sunlight in the studio seating area (I promise a tour!) makes for perfect reading conditions, and I've been spending a few afternoons lounging on the sofa with an icy cold drink, a whirling fan, and a stack of fresh deliveries from Amazon. 

And while we're all here, do any of you belong to a book club? I've been talking about joining/hosting one for years but I'm at a loss as to where to begin. If you attend one - is it in real life or online? Are they fiction/novel/genre based or cookbook clubs? What about groups you can join on services like Meetup, or does GoodReads have local chapters? Sheesh, sorry for all the questions. You can see why I haven't joined or started one! #sendhelp How about we just get to what I've been reading and move on....

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Lifestyle Heather Bullard Lifestyle Heather Bullard

Summer Reading List

This summer I've made a deliberate effort to spend more time reading. Or I should say, reading works outside my normal realm of non-fiction and business/finance books. I've never been one to "let go" and loose myself in the thrill of a fiction novel. I think it's the sensible realist in me always thinking in the back of my mind..."this would never happen in real life". But this year I made a vow to break out of my shell and try some new material and I have to say it's been quite liberating to embrace the art of storytelling. I thought I'd share a few of my finds and hope that you'll leave a comment with some of your recommendations. Please excuse the wide variety I say, fiction is mostly unchartered territory and I'm still learning what appeals to me and for that, I've included a few non-fiction and design related books to even things out.

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Lifestyle Heather Bullard Lifestyle Heather Bullard

On My Nightstand

For many, this week marks the official start of back-to-school and with that, I thought it the perfect time to talk books. Not the required reading lists that we muddled through in school, but ones that peek your interest and keep your mind occupied during the day...pondering when you'll have time to dive back into the pages. I always have multiple books on my nightstand (and iPad) with slips of paper bookmarks tucked in, awaiting my return. I crave variety. Sometimes I want to hunker down with a warm blanket and read recipes like they were poetry. Other times, I have a quest for knowledge. Those thought provoking novels and biographies that will have me contemplating life and calling me to action. Here's a review of a few of my current reads. I'd love to get some of your recommendations in the comments! There's always room for more...

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